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Planned Parenthood v. Casey (Medical Liberty Case Law Brief)

"Roe [creates] a rule (whether or not mistaken) of personal autonomy and bodily integrity, with doctrinal affinity to cases recognizing limits on governmental power to mandate medical treatment or to bar its rejection"

Key Ruling: "An undue burden is created when a statute, law or regulation purporting to further the interest of a valid state interest places a substantial obstacle in front of the fundamental right of choice."

Abortion case law is a tough topic to cover, mostly as it invokes strong sentiment from all sides of the political aisle. But if one is able to look past the instant issue, the talking points, and the "pro-choice" or "pro-life" camps, there are deeper truths about medical liberty buried within cases such as Planned Parenthood v. Casey and its infamous predecessor, Roe v. Wade. This is the heart of "my body, my choice" and in order to fight the current mandates, we must use the legal weapons given to us in these most controversial of cases.

Planned Parenthood v. Casey involved a series of requirements put in place by the Pennslyvania Abortion Control Act of 1982, including Informed Consent, Parental Consent, and Spousal Notice. All were immediately challanged as violating the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment in the wake of the Roe v. Wade decision, which, as a reminder, was the first case to uphold abortion rights.

The Court in Casey, however, changed the standard set by Roe to examine whether an enacted statute, law or regulation created an "undue burden" on a woman's right to choose to have an abortion prior to viability. The majority decided to uphold what it determined was the "key holding" in Roe, which contined the following three elements: 1) Women have the right to choose prior to viability and to do so without undue interference from the State; (2) the State can restrict the abortion procedure post-viability, so long as the law contains exceptions for pregnancies which endanger the woman's life or health; and (3) the State has legitimate interests from the outset of the pregnancy in protecting the health of the woman and the life of the fetus that may become a child. In doing so, the Court heavily noted the judicial doctrine of stare decisis, which means respect for precedent, and not wanting to overturn previous precedent.

An ironic note is that 3 justices appointed by Republican Presidents, Justices Kennedy, Souter and O'Connor, adopted liberal positions in crafting the majority decision. However, the majority did not overturn all of the state requirements. It found that the parental consent, informed consent and 24 hour waiting period were legitimate constitutionally valid restrictions, while only the spousal consent requirement placed an undue burden on the woman.

So how does this relate to today outside of the abortion context? The core right that the Supreme Court leaned on, in both Roe and Casey, was our rights under the Fourteenth Amendment. Recognizing that their are limits under the Constitution to the requirements that the government can medically require is a clear nexus to the vaccination fight. As the case states, "These matters, involving the most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy, are central to the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment" - these liberty interests are at stake with the rollout of compulsory vaccination edicts, with no exceptions or exemptions.

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This will DEFINITELY be censored by YouTube, but want to provide to my Locals supporters in case you want to use it in a video or for fun. I paid a little bit of dinero for this, but totally worth it!

Crack a Bantha Milk ladies and gentlemen, this lawsuit is going to be yet another WILD ride

Wet Ass Roof

So if y'all remember at the end of my stream, I was discussing a certain dripping sound well...check the quick video below for part of what went down...

Actually turned into an even more Biblical flood before the water was finally shut off. Long story short, I'll need to relocate from my current apartment for a few days so I will have a premiere out, but may need to reschedule my weekend lives or do them at alternative times. Standby!

Locals Exclusive- Uvalde Footage Review

I know I say this often but this is HARD to watch. No blood or gore just severe incompetence and the knowledge that children died due to such. I do give a serious content warning therefore, but regardless, I think it is important to talk about as we need justice to be served here.

This will be Locals Exclusive (although open to all) because YouTube may decide to censor this type of content in the future.

Big Lawyer - Big Iron Cover

This one was submitted by a fan and absolutely it'll get me in trouble on YouTube most likely because of the underlying beat, but it absolutely needs to be out there for you guys to enjoy!

Big Lawyer - Big Iron Cover
Animal Farm Recording - Book Club

Attached is the recording of our book club discussion on Animal Farm

Animal Farm Recording - Book Club
Locals Exclusive - Ender's Game Book Club Talk (Audio Only)

Here is the audio only version of the November Book Club discussion .

As a note, we'll likely end up doing Animal Farm for December (book, movie, or cartoon) as it was previously voted highly and it's quite short, so an easy read over the busy holidays. But I will be putting up a poll and taking suggestions for January 2023!

Locals Exclusive - Ender's Game Book Club Talk (Audio Only)

Luckily my taxi was fast so made my flight to Japan, thanks to everyone who joined on YouTube and Locals! I will keep you all updated, especially of any nuisance streamer sightings!

Stay based!

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Live chatted 02/20/2025
Lawyer Reacts To Destiny's Public Statement (LIVE)

Come join for an impromptu stream!

Live chatted 02/19/2025
Destiny Lawsuit Revealed (LIVE)

Come join!

Google Monopoly
Will It Break Up?

I meant to comment on this but as it's been a few days, I wanted to make it a Locals exclusive take. 

For some background, as you may or may not know, Judge Amit Mehta said in a 286-page ruling that Google was a monopoly, and that it violated the Sherman Act through its exclusionary distribution contacts. Evidence presented at the trial showed that Google paid $26 billion in 2021 to ensure that its search engine was the default on almost all devices, such as Apple's iPhone.

The question is, what happens from here? 

First of all, Google is already appealing this decision, so the conclusion to this case is two to three years out at best. We often get hyped about legal results, thinking they will be immediate but this is a great example of how things can take a long time to work through the system and how lawsuits don't always solve problems in the best way (very slowly and incrementally). 

Second, a total breakup of Google is unlikely. At best, we might get a spin-off (or divestment) of Google's Chrome internet browser and it's Android operating system. This is no TKO for Google, which will continue to expand it's reach in other ways and also continue it's collaborations with various national governments, which are far more concerning. 

Hope you all enjoyed this article, I hope to write them when I have the opportunity! 

- Andrew Esq.

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Trans Athletes? Scotus Will Allow It
Accelerationism or Apathy?

Hard to decide whether the failure of SCOTUS to intervene in overturning the appeal courts injunction which prefrnts West Virginia from barring trans students from athletics is a true win. 

The instant case issue here was that Weat Virginia could not name any specific trans atheletes that were at risk of causing issues in the state. Thus the case could return once we see an biological man cracking skulls in female wrestling. 

Lets be clear, based on precedent and this current courts voting history, I suspect they may bend the knee on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. 

My longer term question is this though: 

Is SCOTUS truly going full accelerationist or are they just apathic on orientation and gender identity issues? 

Accelerationism, or the thought that we need to make things worse in order for them to fail and reset (to an ideal state) - always seems more of an academic or meme argument.  While I know a select frw are truly committed to the concept, most talk big online but back down when it hits their friends or family. It's also hard for me to believe that the boomer boy & girl scouts on SCOTUS are "doing it for the lulz" - that would not be their sense of humor.

I'd love to hear y'all thoughts. 

I'll link a full article on the topic below:

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